Finally I've finished the C210 training on the HA-SKW. And am a happy complex airplane driver. With her retractible gear she's a really new feeling. This 1960 ol' lady has some differences compared to the younger ones, but it gives a very good sensation of a big iron.
Last friday was really fun. At 0500Z was taking off from LHTL (Tököl airport) with a buddy in a DA20. An hour later we were landing at LHSM (Sármellék intl.). Than headed with a car to a small private airfield, Zalakaros, 5 NM away. Flew some traffic patterns just for practice on the 210. Landed her at LHSM, jumped in the DA20 and by one a clock we were landing the small bird at LHTL.
Photos of the ol' lady were taken by Peter Nadasi. Large sizes can be found here.
At LHSM the Belgian Air Force had some jet on the ground. I took a funny picture that I'm sharing with you too. Like the big bird just gave birth to our sweet little Katana...
Well and finally yesterday I've had the first IFR flight. One and a half hour under the hood. It was a sweating experience, but I can't wait for the next session.
2 megjegyzés:
Keep it up! I bet flying that C210 was quite a great experience, I hope one day I'll fly one too! By the way, first IFR trainings are quite hard on us, yet you see improvement on every single flight flown under the hood. And as soon as you fly real IFR in IMC conditions, you'll love it! Take Care!
No doubt about it, I really enjoy instrument flying, but it makes me sweat :)
The C210 is gorgeous, retracting the undercarriage really gives it a bigbird feeling.
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